No carrier account? No worries !
Experience up to 30% savings with India’s most cost-effective shipping platform. Enjoy dedicated customer support for your NDRs and a platform that delivers a personal touch. Let us handle your logistics, so you can focus on growing your business!
One tracking dashboard, 30+ carriers !
Enhance customer satisfaction with top-tier post-purchase experiences and streamline order tracking with our unified view.
Leave your supply chain operations to our AI copilot .
Transform your shipping operations with Metis advanced AI , delivering unmatched cost savings through innovation.
All it takes is one click to find the fastest & cheapest delivery partners
all across the world!
Efficiency at its best - Integrate Zippyy seamlessly with your favorite marketplace in one click!
30% cheaper than any platform in India. That's our guarantee.
Instant delivery to over 30,000+ postal codes - just a click away!
Zippyy’s global network delivers with a personal touch, tailored just for you!